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SERVER parameter* == SERVER=protocol[://host[:portNum]][:-:MountOptions] portNum == [+|-]number -- default: SERVER=delegate
Example: a SERVER parameter for unbound Telnet-DeleGate
If no destination server (host) is specified, it is to be be given by client somehow at run-time, on application level in protocol dependent way.
The protocol with server is implicitly expected to be the same with the protocol with the client. Some protocols like HTTP have their inherent way to specify the protocol with the destination server. Otherwise it must be explicitly given with MOUNT parameter, like MOUNT="/news/* nntp://server/*" for example.
SERVER=protocol://host:portNum specifies the URL of
destination server.
The ":portNum" part is omittable as usual in URL
if the number is that of standard port number of the protocol.
A list of protocols and standard port numbers recognized by
the DeleGate is available at:
Port mapping:
If a portNum is prefixed with "-" or "+",
it means mapping the port number of the entrance port
adding the specified offset,
or using the port number as is by "-" with empty portNum.
Example: forwarding multiple ports to an another host
A special hostname "odst.-" can be used
to refer the original destination host when the incoming data is
forwarded by NAT.
Example: forwarding NAT to the original destination via a SOCKS proxy
-P21,23,25,80 SERVER=tcprelay://host:-/
Note that a DeleGate bound to a specific server is not disabled to
work as a proxy for arbitrary servers.
Proxying ability must be restricted if necessary, using
If a SERVER parameter is with ":-:MountOptions",
the SERVER parameter will be dynamically selected if the condition
specified in the MountOptions
is evaluated to be true.
As a special case, ":-:via=HostList" can be abbreviated
as ":-:HostList".
Example: selecting an appropriate NNTP server for a client
Example: {NNTP,SMTP,POP}-DeleGate as a single server