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user opens http://delegate/-_-http://www/path1
C->D: GET /-_-http://www/path1
D->S: GET /path1
D<-S: HREF=/path2
C<-D: HREF=http://delegate/-_-http://www/path2
U->C: user clicks the anchor
C->D: GET /-_-http://www/path2
D->S: GET /path2
S->D: HREF=ftp://ftp/path
D->C: HREF=http://delegate/-_-ftp://ftp/path
Originally, this redirection mechanism was implemented for Gopher proxy, and extended to HTTP protocol, then extended to a generic MOUNT mechanism. Now almost the same effect with "-_-" redirection can be emulated with a MOUNT parameter like follows, allowing to replace "-_-" with an arbitrary string.
You can write a DeleGate switching table in HTML. Suppose that you have two DeleGate hosts connected to different network provider each other, and you want to select one of them explicitly but without changing configuration of your browser and without typing a lengthy URL prefixed with "http://delegate/-_-". You can write a table in HTML to switch DeleGate like this:
This table works independently of if the client is using DeleGate or not, because DeleGate does not do URL redirection in response message described above if the URL is already redirected like above.
Right after the -_- mark, optional "/Modifier/" form can be inserted as follows: