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% delegated -Fy11 : //////////////////////////////// 2009/12/21 Y.Sato @ @ AIST.Gov.Japan : X proxy on the top of the Y11 protocol ( - ) {Y11R2} : Usage: _< >_ : : server : serv% delegated -P6010 SERVER=y11 : : client : clnt% delegated -Fy11 serv [remote-command] [: local-command] : : proxy : prox% delegated -P6010 SERVER=y11 RELAY=y11 : : client via proxy : clnt% delegated -Fy11 prox//serv [remote-command] [: local-command] : : Note: : remote-command is executed at serv and displayed on the X server at clnt : local-command is executed at clnt and displayed on the X server at serv : generic proxy as SOCKS or SSLTUNNEL can be used to reach a Y11 server : add -fv option before the -Fy11 option to peep the activity of Y11 : : Example: : clnt% delegated -Fy11 serv xterm : clnt% delegated -Fy11 serv : /usr/X11R6/bin/xeyes : clnt% delegated -Fy11 serv xterm -bg red : xlogo -fg blue : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////